+41 335349494
Open since May 1978, this office is competent (like any other notarial study) for real estate sales, the authentication of all deeds, signatures and others.
He is much sought after for the drafting and opening of wills, the creation of businesses and all other acts to which the parties wish to give an authentic character.
We participate fully in the administration of justice by authenticating the necessary acts with the force of a final judgment.
Due to the legal certainty they require, all property transfer deeds and most family law deeds must be drawn up by notarial deed.
Because the law is sovereign in the world, we have always fought in this direction.
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We accompany you in all your civic rights until the end and as quickly as possible.
Claim your rights and we will defend you.
For all your property transfer deeds, inheritance law and most family law deeds, we are here to support you.
Master Andrew Graf
Justice without morality becomes injustice; just as a morality and a justice which do not refer to God degrade man, because they deprive him of his most demanding measure, of his highest possibilities, by barring his gaze from the infinite. and the eternal. This apparent liberation subjects man to the dictatorship of the reigning majorities, to arbitrary human measures, which ultimately can only do him violence.
Service gratuit, facile et accessible à tous
Laure V
Florence W
To each his family, to each his right
Freedom is the right to do whatever the laws allow.
Fabrice L
Toclo T
Between the strong and the weak, between the rich and the poor, between the master and the servant, it is freedom that oppresses and the law that frees.
Might takes precedence over right